My Story

Although my journey to software development has been unconventional, it has equipped me with a well-rounded perspective and many transferable skills. I hold a degree in Global Studies from Concordia College, where I developed a deep appreciation for understanding people and the world around me. My career in higher education, most recently as a project manager at NDSU, allowed me to sharpen my communication, problem-solving and project management skills. In this role, I collaborated with designers and clients to manage marketing projects, adapt to changing requirements and deliver results within tight deadlines.

Two years ago, I found myself craving work that was more challenging and technical, which led me to try coding for the first time. I found a level of enthusiasm and fulfillment for coding that I hadn't yet experienced in my career, and I knew that this was something that I wanted to pursue. I enrolled in Emerging Digital Academy, which is a 20 week full-stack software engineering bootcamp in Fargo, ND. Shortly after graduation in August 2024, I began working as a Software Engineer Intern at Bell Bank in Fargo, ND. This experience has allowed me to learn new skills such as .Net Core, C# and jQuery, utilizing DevOps and more.

After my internship ends, I'm looking for a full-time software engineer role where I can continue to learn and grow for many years. One of my short term career goals is to get really comfortable with backend development, working with data, and coding in C#. Frontend concepts come more natually to me, but I value being a handy person who can fit in anywhere on a team. Another goal of mine is to become a mentor for other people like me who have come from non-technical backgrounds. I've been lucky to have great mentors from all sorts of backgrounds, thanks to my experience working in higher education and community organizations (and even a stint in local government!). These mentors and experiences have shaped who I am today, and I aspire to pay it forward by supporting future students in the same impactful way.

Thanks for taking the time to read about my experiences, and if you're interested in having a conversation, feel free to fill out the contact form below to get in touch with me!


Emerging Digital Academy
March 2024 - August 2024
  • Foundations of Project Management - March 2023
  • Project Initiation: Starting a Successful Project - May 2023
  • Project Planning: Putting it All Together - June 2023
  • Project Execution: Running the Project - July 2023
Concordia College
2016 - 2020
Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies


  • VS Code
  • Javascript
  • React
  • Redux
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • Material UI
  • Node.js
  • Bootstrap
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Github

Featured Projects

The Knitty Gritty

The Knitty Gritty is a web application I developed and designed to address common challenges faced by knitters. The application allows users to manage their yarn stash, pattern library, and ongoing knitting projects. Check out my Github repo here!

Movie Sagas

A web application to organize a movie collection and view details about them. This project helped me practice my SQL joins and using Redux to manage my applications state. Built using Javascript, React, Redux and PostgreSQL. Check out my Github repo here!

Connect with Me

Fill out this form to send me a message. I'd love to hear from you!